Buying a Used Cessna

If you've been flying for a while, you've probably considered buying a plane. You might have heard that it's a daunting, scary, fraught process that can only end in misery and financial ruin. All lies! The truth is that if you're well informed and careful, buying a used plane is no riskier than buying a used car or a used house. I bought a used plane and it's been wonderful. I fly more, and enjoy flying more thanks to the flexibility and pride plane ownership affords.

That said, it's certainly true that the purchase process was a learning experience for me. There are plenty of things I wished I'd known at the start, and a few things I'd do differently next time. This guide is an effort to collect that knowledge; it's essentially a reference for my past self. I hope it makes the purchase process easier for you.

Chapter 1: Should You Buy a Plane?